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How to start my business in Amanbo?
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2023-11-08 in    Views:   Share To: facebook twitter qq weixin sina

I. Register an account


1.Go to the Amanbo home page(https://www.amanbo.ke)


2.Clickthe red box in the picture to register your account(https://www.amanbo.ke/user/login.html)


3.Click in the jump to this page, use your cell phone number or email to register your account, and then click next will jump to the next page​.(https://www.amanbo.ke/user/register.html)



4.Enter the verification code and password



II.register the store


1.Click on seller Center



2. Check the red box and register your store​


3. Fill in the store information, with * is required, fill in and click submit​


4.Store registration success



III.upload products


1. Click on the home page, set the cursor under hello, click on the red box buyer center


2. Click on the red box to subscribe​



3. Click the red box in the subscribed​


4. Click setting​


5.Select the category you want to subscribe to your store



6.Click sell



7.Click on the product, the supply center will appear



8.Click on shelf ,One click on the shelf



OK!  Start your business in Amanbo!


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